Thursday, August 25, 2022

Week 1A: My Blog Theme

     The blog theme that I decided to choose was very simple but for myself, carries a significant amount of meaning to it. I have always enjoyed writing growing up and something that I have always wanted to incorporate into my life regardless of whether I was in school or not. The theme that I chose is simply a blank sheet of paper. This is because when I think of writing in general whether it is an essay, blog, or anything, I think of a blank sheet with endless possibilities to it and that begins to excite me. The thought of filling a blank sheet with words that came from within oneself and sharing it with whomever bestows their eyes upon is a very exciting idea to me and one that motivates myself to read and write more than I do. 

    I would assume most people would choose a theme that would describe themselves whether it was a picture of their family, pet or favorite activity. I find this to be a wonderful way of expressing oneself and showing what kind of person they are. I wanted to do the same but when I saw the photo of the blank sheet it resonated with me a lot and I thought that it was a great connection to writing a blog. Often a blog is the same thing as a blank sheet and is simply a place for one to get their thoughts out for others to see. That would be the same point as writing an essay on a blank sheet whether the purpose was for a school assignment or just for oneself. 

    Overall I am excited to start this class and be able to express our work in a different manner than simply turning it in through canvas. The idea of writing in a blog a few times a week for class is kind of exciting and makes me a lot more excited to do assignments. So when I thought of the blog and how I felt about the whole thing, I think of a blank canvas with infinite possibilities in which I can take advantage of in so many ways. 


  1. That's awesome Carson! I totally appreciate a person who digs writing.

  2. Hi Carson!

    I really enjoyed the thought behind your theme. It's simple yet effective. I feel similar in the sense that looking at a blank page leaves so much opportunity, and it excites me to be able to put my words out for someone to interpret. I'm sure it was a pleasant surprise to see that we would be writing on these blogs throughout the semester to really be able to put ourselves into our writing. I look forward to all of the great things you have to express down the line :)

    Sarah Mitulski

  3. Hey Carson!

    The reasoning behind your theme is super cool and well thought out. I also really enjoy reading and writing. I'm sure it's an ease of mind for you knowing that this class has assignments through blog posts rather than just submitting through Canvas. Hopefully I can read some of your work throughout this class!

  4. Hello Carson!

    I, too, am a person that loves the tactile-ness of paper. I especially have a fondness for the sound that is made when you put a pencil to paper and you begin writing. I love the feeling of words flowing from my mind, down my arm, through my fingers as the pencil scripts across the paper. I love the feeling that even though I've made a mistake, I can flip over that pencil and rub it away. Most of all, I love the faint shadow left behind of the mistake that was made as a small reminder that we are all not perfect but we are always allowed to correct ourselves in our lives.

    I know, it's super poetical. Sorry about that. You should see my desk here at home. I have all of these digital devices but the moment that the professor starts her lecture, I break out my #2 Ticonderoga with an extra long eraser cap and my spiral top notebook and start scratching down notes as quickly as possible.

    I look forward to learning with you and can't wait to see the next blogs :)


Week 3 Part B: Developing a Brand

The idea that I had for a business is a gym in which it is a 24-hour fitness type gym but there is also Jiu Jitsu classes that are offered f...