Monday, August 29, 2022

Week1 B: Social Media Use Today

     When thinking about social media use in general, I have both a positive and negative outlook depending on the use of it. It is overall a very interesting concept to think about and I often think about it which makes writing about it much easier. When looking at social media from the beginning it was meant so that people could share things about their lives whether it was their thoughts on Twitter, highlights on Instagram or the community on Facebook. The idea of the of social media was created with positivity in mind that would allow people to connect with each other regardless of where they were in the world. But just like most things in life, it has its perks but also can contain negativity. 

    While social media can be viewed at as something extraordinary, the negatives come with either using it for the wrong reasons or overuse. Some of the ways that people have used these platforms is to spread negativity whether it is hating on someone or something they do. While free speech is a big component in America and being able to say what you feel is one of the greatest freedoms in the world, some people like to use that to spread negativity through these platforms which is an awful way to use them. Another negative impact of social media can be addiction. People begin to rely on it during their days and spend too much time on it. I know it is something that I am a victim of and something that I need to work on myself.

    While there are negative factors to social media, this should not take away from the amazing things that it has to offer. When I think of the biggest platform that I have used to improve my life it is without a doubt Youtube. This has been a tool that I feel has helped shape me into the person that I am. From being a small child to the age I'm at now I have used Youtube to help with my ability to learn the guitar, listening to people that I look up to and admire speak on podcasts and so many other beneficial ways that Youtube has improved my life. I use other platforms such as Snapchat and Instagram and definitely don't use those to as much of a benefit as Youtube but still enjoy having these platforms to use. Overall social media is kind of a trippy concept to think about when diving too deeply but the way I usually think about it is having its positives and negatives depending on how it's used.

Week1: Blogs I Commented On: Alexander Garza, Amy Mather, Sarah Mitulski

1 comment:

  1. Hey Carson, the many negative and positive effects of social media it looks like e are in agreement with. Oddly enough, for whatever reason, I did not even consider YouTube a for of social media, it went completely under the radar! I'm not on it often, but it is one of the most used platforms that I personally use. It is a wealth of information.


Week 3 Part B: Developing a Brand

The idea that I had for a business is a gym in which it is a 24-hour fitness type gym but there is also Jiu Jitsu classes that are offered f...